The P language:
- Describes a distributed system as a bunch of FSMs.
- Verifies its correctness to some degree (but not proves yet).
- Generates C or C# code; compact enough to suit even device drivers.
- Allows to describe test suites and monitoring tools for the code.
- MIT license.
Sumbitted to HN; got to the front page briefly.
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"content": "The P language:
\n- Describes a distributed system as a bunch of FSMs.
\n- Verifies its correctness to some degree (but not proves yet).
\n- Generates C or C# code; compact enough to suit even device drivers.
\n- Allows to describe test suites and monitoring tools for the code.
\n- MIT license.
\nSumbitted to HN; got to the front page briefly.
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"title": "P language: distributed state machines",
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"content": "Idea and Execution as two factors of the ultimate gain. Idea's worth grows linearly, execution's, exponentilly.
\nA poor idea reasonably has a negative worth.
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